Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Almost there

I am so excited that I'm going to be living in New York in a week. I am more excited though to leave all these southern, conservative assholes. Talk about people with no class! There is a group on Facebook titled, "Obama is a grade A asshole". I wouldn't have as big a problem with this group if it listed respectable reasons why they disagree with Obama's views. Instead, it stoops low to point out fucking RIDICULOUS reasons not to vote for him (his religious background, the fact that he takes offense to the n word, claiming he's the "anti-christ"). ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?!? Please tell me these people are not real. Please tell me these people don't honestly think hunting and getting fucked up and and hating gays and supporting war and pretending to be good christian folk while taking advantage of girls is cool. Yeah, I can pull some stereotypes out too!

Why do I care? Go ahead. Hunt all you want, play beer pong til you can forget your problems all you want, discriminate lifestyles all you want, enjoy the fact we're killing so many all you want, fuck hot chicks then go to church all you want, and stay in your old, American ways. I'd much rather live my happy life supporting a man with great ideas and a plan to change our country. When you decide that you've drank too much beer for your own good and the sorority gals are starting to look dull to you because you've started to see your frat brahs in a different, more sensual light, come talk to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At A&M people walk around in "Beat the hell outta Obama" shirts. They actually sell McCain merch at our student center ... talk about ridiculous.